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IT Sphere is technology company specialized in the development and implementation of comprehensive IT solutions that reshape business models and helps their clients to introduce digitalization in their business areas.

What is Digital Business Automation (DBA)?

Today, Digital Business Automation (DBA) is an important key for successful organization. It focuses on integrating the software and hardware that works with it, and applying upgrades to efficiency to traditional business processes.
Digital Business Automation (DBA) started back in 2005, when International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) provided a software with the goal to graphically describe complex business processes, with a standard notation and to make it more understandable creating flowcharts and diagrams for business purposes.

Why is Digital Business Automation (DBA) important for my business?

The business transformation is inevitable and the processes are meant to evolve as the organization or external conditions change. To keep up with this changes in business, organizations must rely on efficient and effective business processes that work together toward their common goal of serving customers better.
Digital Business Automation represents the highest level of system integration. Bearing that in mind, it should be one of the essential tools for growth and development, both for individual companies and for the economy as a whole. It can be implemented in a number of business area including marketing, sales and workflow, and adapt to new types of problems. With Digital Business Automation (DBA), expected result is process improvement that brings about financial benefits and employee satisfaction. Recently, creating exceptional customer experiences has motivated companies seeking to remain competitive to adopt Business Process Manager and acquire DBA software. The software remains focused on improving business processes and achieving better communication between IT sector and business teams.

Process management

IBM Business Automation Workflow (IBM BAW) ex Business Process Manager (IBM BPM) provides a comprehensive change management of business process. It seeks to define and visualize all aspects of your process regardless of what role or system is conducting that part of the work.

Business Rules

Business Rule Management involves the definition of rule services for process automation, and the management of the rules by the business.

System integration

Offers architecture and software assets, system integration and technology expertise to help unlock business values.
Consistent with the work process and specific business needs, automated with impeccable integration with existing systems.

Software development

Specialises in providing software consultancy, services for development and software testing practices. Our company also provides consultancy for software process improvement and design.

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